Archive for July, 2009

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VOTE for Christina Vandenhengel and Katie Bradel from Invisible Children for the NAU Grant for Change. Check it out today

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With so much going on in Africa right now, we are trying to keep the news on our website updated each and every night.  Some times this of course cannot happen however i try to maintain it at least 2-3 times a week if not everyday.

Check it out and click on NEWS for all the current information

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We hear their cries,
their words and dreams,
Yet nothing changes,
Or so it seems.

The children are hurting
The mothers, they cry
There is no one nearby that can help
And they want to know why.

why are their cries silent
to the ears of the west
why do their dreams fade
when we can offer them the best.

the best hope for these children
it comes from you and me
so open up your wallets
and take the time to see.

the dreams of the silent children
who are suffering so bad
lets give them some comfort
and some things they never had.

like love, care and support
from a stranger they’ll never know
you may not believe it
but it can really help them grow.

to know someone they never met
cares and supports their choices
gives them something to inspire to
and makes them use their voices.

for far too long
they have sat silent
living with war, displacement and fear of abduction
in an area that is just so violent.

for the children of Uganda
life has been so unfair
so we all need to take a stand
and make sure that change comes there.

lets show them that we’re here for them
lets show them that we care
lets show them that the world is listening
and lets help end their despair.

I urge you to open your eyes
And see them through your heart
Donate some of your hard earned cash
And give these kids a head start.

COPYRIGHT 2009 R.A.Fowler

A poem i wrote dedicated to the Silent Children, for all of those who have been and still are silent, we hear you.

Sydney Rescue Event

Sydney Rescue Event

I saw the website say that as at 2009 there are over 1 billion people in the world hungry, and thought to myself, we really are in a world where ignorance overrules right. The World Food Program have issued this News Release.

This year, mainly due to the shocks of the economic crisis combined with often high national food prices, the number of hungry people is expected to grow overall by about 11 percent, FAO projects, drawing on analysis by the US Department of Agriculture.

Almost all of the world’s undernourished live in developing countries. In Asia and the Pacific, an estimated 642 million people are suffering from chronic hunger; in Sub-Saharan Africa 265 million; in Latin America and the Caribbean 53 million; in the Near East and North Africa 42 million; and in the developed countries 15 million in total. Why is the media not reporting on this? How in 2009 can our world be in a worse position than the 1980’s? With the advancement in technology you would tend to think that life would change for at least the better. Well assuming gets us no-where.  I find it so hard to comprehend the amount of violence and poverty gripping our earth at this point its to me beyond comprehension.  Slavery in the world is bigger now than ever before, a 32 billion dollar industry going on right under most of our noses! Asia Pacific, USA, Canada, India, Middle East and even my own home of Australia have been caught up in the slavery trade.

For years i had no idea that these things were going on in the world, i was a materialistic person that cared for myself and family and local community but never really paid attention to what was going on in the world. At that point Invisible Children and a tumor came into my life and changed me ever so much. I watched, i learned and i listened, and when i did all that i thought to myself, the age old question. Well what can i do about it, im just one person, im not rich, i cant just fly off to africa or asia and do something about it, but i just cant sit here knowing what i know and NOT do anything about it. So i started ringing people i knew and talking to them, showing friends and family the invisible children dvd’s and started on a mission that has bought me joy, sadness, love, appreciation, new friends, wonderful memories, tears and so much more than i just cannot put into words. On my journey through raising awareness for invisible children and the children of uganda, its made my interests in the world flourish, i never ever thought i would be an activisit, but i am one and PROUD to be. I know what i want to see change in this world and im on a mission to help be that change.

I cannot stress enough how important it is we all help, as a global society these days thanks mainly to the internet, we have an obligation to be the voice of those who are not heard. So many people in this world are suffering right now and they need our help. Im on a general award wage have 3 kids to support, rent, bills and all that, yet i still manage to sponsor 2 children thats an extra $100 a month expense and donate at least $40 per month to different organisations. I make sacrifices in order to do these things and even thou i physically get nothing out of it, spiritually, mentally and emotionally i get more back than you could imagine.

I currently have a petition started going to President Obama, US State Senates and Congress, AU Prime Minister Rudd and Minister Smith (AU Foreign Affairs Minister) asking them to support the “LRA Disarment and Northern Uganda Recovery Act 2009”  If passed through US Sentate this would be a historical win for the people of Northern Uganda who have been displaced for over a decade now in IDP camps.  2009 saw the start of the IDP’s returning home due to the LRA moving out of Northern Uganda and into DR Congo. The congolese civilians are now facing what the Northern Ugandans have faced for the last 2 decades.  It is time we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and end the violence and bring Joseph Kony to justice. Please sign our petition, be the voice of the invisible children and show you care.  top left hand side “TAKE ACTION” button. Click to sign our petition.

Thanks for reading todays rant! im not quite finished so will update again shortly.
