Posted: January 24, 2013 in News

Silver Lining

Part I

by Sadeq Khanafer, Hussein Mallah, source

Almost a year after the American withdrawal from Iraq, several political and security crises took place. Perhaps the most dangerous are those currently taking place in both the Western and Northern provinces. The troubles are being more sectarian, which threaten re-pushing the country toward riot and divisions, and aim at suppressing the emerging Iraqi power both at political and social levels.

To shed light on the secret plans prepared for Iraq and later to other regional countries, we display -in a three-part report- this plan from A to Z.

The Role and Position of Iraq

The Republic of Iraq is one of the West Asian countries overlooking the Gulf area. Its borders distribute as follows: Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the South, Turkey to the North, Syria and Jordan to the West, and Iran to the East. Its total…

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