Posted: January 24, 2013 in News

Silver Lining

Press TV

Anti-regime protesters have once again taken to the streets in Bahrain’s northeastern island of Sitra despite the ongoing crackdown by regime forces.

Bahraini police forces fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the angry demonstrators who was chanting slogans against the Al Khalifa regime on Tuesday.

The protesters also demanded the immediate release of all political prisoners and voiced their solidarity with jailed political activist and religious figure, Abdul Wahab Hussein.

The regime violence against the protesters comes while Bahraini King bin Issa Al Khalifa has called for “national dialogue” with the opposition parties.

Earlier on Monday, some protesters staged overnight rallies in several villages and towns across the Persian Gulf island as a gesture of defiance against the autocratic regime.

Despite the heavy-handed crackdown on the opposition across the Persian Gulf state, the protesters continue demonstrations against the Al Khalifa regime.

The protesters say they will…

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