Posted: January 24, 2013 in News

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

[ PIC 22/01/2013 – 09:52 PM ]

NAZARETH, (PIC)– The Israeli government denied receiving an official request from the Palestinian Authority to allow entry of 150 Palestinian refugees from Syria into the West Bank.

Israeli media sources said that PA chief Mahmoud Abbas had tabled a request with the Israeli government to allow the entry of those refugees from Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, which came under repeated military strikes.

However, an official statement by the office of Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said that Israel did not and would never accept entry of those refugees.

Abbas last month said that he was prepared to receive those refugees, who were caught in the middle of the ongoing internal fighting in Syria, and asked the UN to help in organizing their crossing into the West Bank.

Around one thousand Palestinian refugees were killed in the civil war in that Arab…

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