Posts Tagged ‘NDAA’


PANDA People Against The NDAA
Nov 24, 2013

After making her wait 8 hours, the Clark County Commission decided to hear Daphne Lee speak against the NDAA in Clark County, NV. What followed was one of the most powerful public comments in history.

Join the movement:

PANDA NV’s Anti-NDAA Resolution, step one, will be on the Agenda Dec. 3rd at the Clark County Commission Meeting @ 9AM. If you’re in the area, please attend and give her support!

The PANDA (People Against the NDAA Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to nonviolently defeat, strike down, repeal, stop, void and fight the indefinite detention provisions, Sections 1021 and 1022, of the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year of 2012, to fight for American civil liberties, to combat laws restricting liberty in the interest of National Security, to support current government officials that are doing so and to engage a…

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Dandelion Salad

Dandelion Salad

Propaganda Alert!

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 03, 2013

Statement by the President on H.R. 4310


Today I have signed into law H.R. 4310, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013.” I have approved this annual defense authorization legislation, as I have in previous years, because it authorizes essential support for service members and their families, renews vital national security programs, and helps ensure that the United States will continue to have the strongest military in the world.

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P.A.N.D.A. People Against The NDAA
December 29, 2012

By Richard D. Fry (PANDA Legal Team) on December 21st, 2012:
The debate on the NDAA conference bill has just ended. The House will now vote on the bill and no doubt it will pass.

Earlier this morning a D.C. insider indicated to us that leadership had maneuvered to keep opponents from speaking against the bill. Apparently they were successful as only three Representatives rose to speak against it: Nadler (D-NY) Thornberry (R-TX) and Franks (D-MA). Once again “conservative” Republicans are conspicuous in their absence.

Recall that a proposed GOP resolution against the NDAA was killed at the August convention with the help of our own Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Romney supporter and advisor. (It’s on tape.) Romney indicated on two separate occasions that he would have signed the 2012 NDAA.

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler from Missouri spoke in favor…

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P.A.N.D.A. People Against The NDAA
September 18, 2012

Join the movement:

The 2nd District Court of Appeals has just granted a temporary stay of Judge Katherine Forrest’s injunction against the NDAA. Since May, Judge Forrest had prevented the NDAA from being used anywhere in the world. Now, the NDAA is back in full effect, bringing with it the Law of War.

Military law, as authorized under the NDAA, grants you no Constitutional rights whatsoever.

There is no First Amendment rights in the Law of War There are no 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th Amendment rights in the Law of War. The Law of War is anathema to our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and everything America stands for.

Thanks to the Appeals Court, we again have military law in America.

Music: Breaking Benjamin – Blow Me Away

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By Tad Cronn, GodfatherPolitics

Liberal hypocrisy is sometimes so great, we really need a new word to describe it. Maybe “Obamacrite.” …

With the Islamic violence spreading globally this past week, the Obama Administration has hammered on one point it desperately wants everyone to believe, that it’s all caused by a cheap, homemade anti-Islamic video.

That’s a transparent ruse, but let’s play along for a moment.

The killings, rampages, bombings and violence are NOT the fault of the psychotic Muslims running through the world’s streets with guns and bombs, and they certainly are NOT the fault of the moronic, slipshod management of foreign affairs by the Obama Administration that ignored prior warnings and even refused to take common sense security measures (like loading Marines’ guns with ammo).

All of the violence, including the reported raping and killing of our ambassador, is actually caused by a little, green-screen video that was…

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Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
September 15, 2012

Sep 17, 2012 by RTAmerica

Today protesters are gathering in downtown Manhattan to mark the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street movement which kicked out a year ago in Zuccotti Park. RT’s Marina Portnaya is speaking with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author Christopher Hedges about the impact of the OWS movement and its future.

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P.A.N.D.A. People Against The NDAA
September 15, 2012

We are happy to announce the formation of our PANDA Rapid Response Team. PANDA’s response to MainStream Media censorship. Here’s how it works:

1. Lamestream Media releases article on TSA, DHS, NDAA, Etc.

2. PANDA sees wrong information, outright lies, and untruths.

3. PANDA Alerts the Rapid Response Team

4. Rapid Response Team writes comments at the bottom revealing the truth, and alerts others to do the same.

5. American Public looks at comments, realizes truth, and WAKES UP!

Join here:

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Dandelion Salad

by Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
September 17, 2012

In January I sued President Barack Obama over Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which authorized the military to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely, strip them of due process and hold them in military facilities, including offshore penal colonies. Last week, round one in the battle to strike down the onerous provision, one that saw me joined by six other plaintiffs including Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg, ended in an unqualified victory for the public. U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest, who accepted every one of our challenges to the law, made her temporary injunction of the section permanent. In short, she declared the law unconstitutional.

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Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
September 14, 2012

Sep 14, 2012 by TheBigPictureRT

Chris Hedges, Truthdig “The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress” joins Thom Hartmann. Civil liberties advocates led by journalists and writers Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg, and Noam Chomsky secured a big victory yesterday. Federal Judge Katherine Forrest struck down the controversial indefinite detention provision passed and signed by President Obama on New Year’s Eve last year as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.

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Dandelion Salad

Dandelion Salad

Aug 13, 2012 by RTAmerica

White House lawyers have been recently defending the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. They have been arguing that jailing Americans indefinitely without trial in some instances is necessary for the safety and security of the country.Tangerine Bolen of Revolution Truth and a plaintiff in the case against the NDAA joins RT’s Kristine Frazao to discuss the matter.

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Dear Hon Kevin Rudd.


I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen of Australia. I have been closely following the Julian Assange and Wikileaks cases over the last few years and i have been greatly surprised at the lack of support that the Australian Government has given the Assange Family in relation to this matter.

Mr Assange has done the world a duty by releasing documentation that shows corruption in governments, lies, deceit and petty trashing of leaders by others in positions of power. It is with disgust that i see Australia lending all support to a 14 year old pot smoking hoon who was arrested in Bali for buying drugs but zero support for the Assange Case. Mr Assange is not guilty of Sexual Assault/Rape. This is a political move by the USA to obtain Mr Assange through the system. The USA have recently voted in new amendments to their National Defense Authorization Act 2012 allowing the US to detain indefinitely anyone suspected or accused of Terrorism, Sections: 1021, 1031, 1032, 1034.  they already have the Authorization for use of Military force against Terrorists  and are now just exerting more power to take people who they suspect of Terrorism.  They have also changed their definition of Terrorism to include: Animal Rights Activists, Environmental Activists, Patriots and more.

I would like to know our Australian Government is doing to stop this power grabbing by America. Our citizens are not safe due to the new amendments in their laws. Mr Assange is not safe and Mr Bradley Manning, The US Solider currently held for over 500 days without charge or trial for releasing documents to wikileaks, is not safe. This is not following the Geneva Convention nor the Declaration of Human Rights.

Why also, would Australia support the sanctions on Iran when there is no “concrete” evidence that Iran are making nuclear weapons? There is only “Suspicion” and “Assumptions”. Iran has NOT started a war in over 100 years but yet America and Israel have started how many in the last 50 years? Australians do not support the killing of innocent people and that is just what the USA and Israel are doing. Killing many innocent civilians everyday and exerting power over the world. This is unacceptable. It is a widely accepted fact that Israel and the US have stockpiles of Nuclear weapons yet they have the hide to call out Iran for their Suspecting them of making? How Hypocritical.  See i have a theory that Israel and the US are baiting Iran to attack, they want Iran to fire the first major missile. That way their “Covert” missions in Iran are not exposed and Iran looks like the Warmonger This is plain outright nonsensical crap by crazy powers in the world. Do they want a WW3?

Why also, did Australia vote against Palestine at the UN? 75% of Australians support the Palestine people NOT Israel. I was disgusted that our Prime Minister took it upon herself and the Elites to voice their opinion on behalf of the Australian people. Israel has killed just as many people as the Nazi’s have, yet our media seem to never report about the daily killings and bombings of Gaza and West Bank. Our Freedoms in Australia are just an Illusion, we have no freedoms, no constitutional rights to save us. We are basically under Government power and it is not nice. Even a peaceful protest is met with Riot Squads, when it is our Human Right to Peacefully Protest or Assemble in Public. I am sad to say, welcome to the Police State of Australia. Now being forced to Vaccinate our children or lose part of our government benefits is an act of Tyranny, Taking away our rights to choose. My son was vaccinated for measles, yet he still got them, quite bad. A vaccination is NOT a guarantee that you wont get the virus.

It is about time our Government stands up to the Tyrants of America and Israel and say no longer will we stand for these issues. I urge you to give the full support of the Australian Government to the Assange Family as Mr Assange is only guilty of exposing corrupt governments and military issues, he is not a Terrorist and i urge Australian Government to stand by him.


I thank you for your time
